In a burst of good ideas the hopes for next year have just been born. Slightly premature we won't be able to take them home until this coming Tuesday, but that's alright. My current mantra, "What Would Grandma Do?" is excited to see the evolution of putting the "What" into action. We look forward to growing Spiritually, Physically, Financially, and Artistically in 2008. We will be making lots of good choices to take good actions that pertain to the 4 categories of growth.
For the past 6 months I have been just keeping my head above the roiling waters of adulthood using the dog paddle and sometimes the life bouy otherwise know as mother's checking account. The days of paddleing and using the life bouy are going to end in 2008. I will, instead, become a synchronized swimmer. I already have the cap so I'll pull it on and practice holding my breath while madly sculling and pointing my toes toward high heaven.
Meanwhile, I'll keep contemplating French Farm culture and Physics. It's amazing the things one thinks about while working in retail.