c'est moi

Penn Valley/Seattle, Roots in CA, Roosts in WA
"there are things you do because they feel right and they may make no sense and they make no money and it may be the real reaon we are here: to love eachother and to eat eachother's cooking and say it was good" -storypeople

Monday, December 3, 2007

Friend of the Month

Since moving to Seattle one of my goals has been to make one new friend a month. This friend must become more then an aquaintence. So far things have been turning out for the best and I have been learning some good and bad things.

Dear Lauren was October. Our meeting was a practical intervention of the divine in the aqua walled breakroom at Anthropologie in the University Village shopping center. Not only did we both study art, but we also both went to NYCAMS, only a year apart. She knows Clark Street Cafe, the Promanade, the greenery of 28th Street, Gloria, and John Silvis. Our meeting was a stoke of great luck.

Mr. November was that foxy boy from All Aboard 2nd Hand Furniture Store. We first met in September, but it was not until November when he fit in the program. We met becuase of a butter yellow velvet armchair. Now with several visits and a beer or 2 at Prost later friendship with Mr. November remains undefined and at a projected low. He has reminded me that the ability to ask good questions is a very important quality in a friend. I still like the chair better.

On the first of December my monthly friend called me out of the blue just as I sat down for lunch. Jo Ellen has just moved to Seattle and got my number from a mutual friend who thought I'd be a good person so call. The next day we met for coffee and I took her to church. It was good of God to provide in a moment when I didn't know who to be friends with next. If only getting a phone call at the opportune time would happen more often.

I should take their portraits and then at the end of my time in Seattle host a party with all the friends. I think it should be a barbeque and each person must bring with them one of their good friends. There will be hotdogs and coleslaw.

The End

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